Feb 25, 2022
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Stimerex-ES Review: Old VS New

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What Is Stimerex-ES | What Was The Old Stimerex | What Is The New Stimerex | Stimerex Ingredients | Stimerex-ES Reviews
The post Stimerex-ES Review: Old VS New appeared first on Supplement Reviews Blog.


What Is Stimerex-ES | What Was The Old Stimerex | What Is The New StimerexStimerex Ingredients | Stimerex-ES Reviews | What Can You Expect From StimerexSimilar To StimerexSide Effects And WarningsDisclaimer

As we mentioned in other blog posts, the FDA and DMAA have been going in and out of the courts since around 2015. Currently this means that manufacturers, like Hi-Tech, can’t use this ingredient in their products. So manufacturers reformulated their products without DMAA. In this blog, we will be covering Stimerex -ES by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. Stimerex, like many products, fell victim to forced revisions around 2018 due to it containing the stimulant ingredient DMAA.

But now in October of 2021, Stimerex among other products are again unavailable. That’s why we’re here to let you know what’s going on and whether you should be holding strong or trying something new.

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What Is Stimerex-ES?

Stimerex-ES (aka Stimerex Extra Strength) is one of many fat burners from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. And like their other fat burners, Stimerex is a popular fat burner that many consumers chose to use consistently. It features ingredients intended to support weight loss by:

  • Promoting Energy
  • Support Thermogenesis
  • Aiding in Appetite Suppression

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The Old:

The pre-2018 Stimerex-ES was one of the stronger thermogenic fat burners available. Below we have both the old and new labels with the changed ingredients highlighted. From here you see there were a few changes, from swapping ingredients to even adding more. The old formula contained:

  • Acacia Rigidula Extract
  • 125 mg of Phenylethylamine Alkaloids (R-Beta-Methylphenylethylamine, B-Phenylethylamine)
  • Theobroma Cocoa Extract
  • Phenylethylamine HCl
  • 1,3- Dimethylamine HCl (DMAA)

Stimerex Old Vs New LABELS

The New:

The new formula, which is the current formula in 2021, contains a few different ingredients:

  • Senegalia Berlandieri Extract
  • N,N-Dimethylphenylethylamine
  • Theobromine
  • 2 Aminoisoheptane

In addition to the change in ingredients, the label also is slightly different. Previously, Stimerex-ES disclosed the value of the yielded phenylethylamine alkaloids. As of Summer 2018, Stimerex only discloses the value of the total proprietary blend, the Ephedra content, Synephrine content, and the Caffeine content. All adding up to a 660mg of active ingredients compared, which is the same for both formulas.

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Stimerex-ES Ingredients

So how did the change affect the formula?

Senegalia Berlandieri Extract V. Acacia Rigidula Extract:

Firstly, we have Senegalia Berlandieri Extract compared to Acaia Rigidula Extract. Both ingredients are intense stimulants. Senegalia Berlandieri (also known as Acacia Berlandieri) is a related species to Acacia Rigidula. In fact, they share many of the same alkaloids. Because of this, they may share similar functions.(1)

This extract may promote increases energy, suppresses your appetite, while also providing a feeling of euphoria.† Compared to Acacia Rigidula Extract, the compounds are actually very similar. However like with DMAA, Acacia Rigidula has had it’s feuds with the FDA and is currently not available for usage in dietary supplements.†

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The Alkaloids:

We mentioned in the section above that Senegalia Berlandieri Extract and Acaia Rigidula Extract share similar alkaloids (the Phenylethylamine Alkaloids). These includes Phenethylamine, N-Methylphenethylamine and N,N-Dimethylphenethylamine. The potency for these alkaloids may be stronger in Acacia Rigidula†, though without knowing how much is yielded by Senegalia, we can’t directly compare strengths.

In the highlighted section, you can see that R-Beta-Methylphenylethylamine is not in the new formula. This is because R-Beta-Methylphenylethylamine was the alkaloid the FDA was targeted in Acadia Rigidual. So instead there may be a higher concentration of what alkaloids are present including N,N-Dimethylphenylethylamine.

These alkaloids may have a wide range of uses including being a stimulant, improving mood, and cognitive performances†. Another trait marketed with stimerex is it’s “No Crash formula”.  Some studies allocate this property to N,N-Dimethylphenylethylamine alkaloid, but overall, there we would need more research on these alkaloid effects.

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Theobromine V. Theobroma Cocoa Extract:

Theobroma Cocoa (Cacao) Extract originates from coco beans. Interestingly, the extracts from cocoa beans actually contain theobromine. However, in addition to the theobromine, theobroma cocoa extract also has caffeine. So why use theobromine?

The primary alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate is theobromine. Theobromine is used as a bronchodilator and a vasodilator medicinally†. It is closely related to caffeine. But, unlike caffeine, theobromine has an additional methyl group, making it’s effects last longer.(2)

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2-Aminoisoheptane V. 1,3- Dimethylamine HCl:

2-Aminoisoheptane; also known as DMHA is the potent stimulant often used to replace DMAA. In fact, DMHA shares similar molecular structures to that of DMAA. And they may work in the same fashion. In which, they both may boost dopamine and noradrenaline uptake, while slowing down re-uptake. DMHA is also sometimes used as a bronchodilator like Theobromine.†

What this means is that it can help relax and open air passages in the lungs, making it easier to breathe. But like with DMAA, DMHA has intense stimulating properties†. Like with most stimulants this includes other benefits like an energy boost, focus aid, appetite suppression, and some mood boosting properties as well.†(3)

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What Can You Expect From Stimerex?

We would say Hi-Tech did a great job with replacing ingredients, as well as adding others to fill in the areas that may have not been perfect. As a whole, Stimerex is going to be a strong fat burner. We would suggest Stimerex for individuals looking for more focus properties and thermogenesis than other fat burning classifications like appetite suppression. However, you may still get those benefits (i.e. the energy, mood boost, and appetite suppression).

stimerex es

Now let’s checkout some customer reviews!

  • Good product Review by Jacob
    “Works amazingly well. One of the best thermos out there” (Posted on 5/14/2018)
  • Amazing Product  Review by Lisa
    “It really does give you energy! It keeps me motivated and it keeps my appetite down. I’ve bought many a different products im the past nothing ever works..this is my second time buying a bottle. I highly recommend!” (Posted on 
  • Stimerex-ES Review by Maria
    “I really enjoy this product it keeps me focused and has me full of Energy it’s like a all day long pre workout! same day supplements shipped it very quickly to me without paying additional shipping! Will continue to order from this company and will keep buying this product!” (Posted on )

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Similar To Stimerex-ES 

Although Stimerex didn’t make it in our Best Fat Burners of 2019 post, we would classify it as being stronger than Lipodrene, but not quite stronger than Black Mamba.

Unfortunately, Stimerex-ES and many other fat burners are currently unavailable. But, if you were looking for another consistent thermogenic, we recommend checking out ECA Xtreme or Lean EFX


Stimerex VS Hydroxyelite:

Similar to Stimerex-ES and Hardcore, Hydroxyelite is a popular fat burner from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. However, the formula for Hydroxyelite is often recognized for its appetite suppression properties instead of energy/thermogenesis. Compared to Stimerex, Hydroxyelite only shares two ingredients; Caffeine and 2-Aminoisoheptane HCl.

The remaining 6 ingredients consist of:

  • Bauhinia Purpurea
  • Bacopa Extract
  • Walnut Bark Extract
  • Cirsium Oligophyllum Extract
  • Rauwolscine Extract
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract

The combination of these ingredients can support a boost in energy, appetite suppression, mood/focus, and thermogenesis. (4,5,6,7,8)

Between these fat burners, if you’re more interested in a high-energy fat burner, you should try Stimerex ES. But if you’re concerned with controlling cravings and appetite suppression, Hydroxyelite may be the better option. However, these products are considerably different. If you tried both and felt Stimerex was too strong, but Hydroxyelite wasn’t strong enough, you should checkout Lipodrene.

Customer Review:

Good Product. Review by Naila: “This is a good product. I used it a few years ago and it helped me get past stubborn weight loss plateaus twice so far and this will be the 3rd time coming up. I used it almost a week so far and it definitely reduced my appetite and gives me extra energy and my weight is still going down. Thank goodness.” (Posted on 2/15/21

Stimerex-ES VS Stimerex Hardcore

Stimerex Hardcore actually shares a very similar ingredient profile to Stimerex-ES

Stimerex Hardcore Ingredients

From the label pictured above, you can see Stimerex Hardcore features 475mg of active ingredients in the proprietary blend, but the same amount of Caffeine content and Ephedra content as Stimerex-ES. Which adds up to being about 35mg less of active ingredients. Of these ingredients, both versions of Stimerex contain:

  • Ephedra Extract
  • 2-Aminoisoheptane HCl (DMHA)
  • Senegalia Berlandieri Extract [Yielding 200mg Phenylethylamine Alkaloids]
  • Theobromine
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Naringen
  • Yohimbe Extract
  • Caffeine

Stimerex Hardcore lacks two ingredients; Citrus Aurantium Extract (25 mg of Synephrine) and 6,7 Dihydroxybergamottin. But, instead features 3-Dimethyl Aminoethanol Bitartrate (aka DMAE). Another difference is the disclosure of the yielded Phenylethylamine Alkaloids. If you remember, the old version of Stimerex-ES yielded 150mg of these alkaloids, whereas the current Stimerex Hardcore yields 200mg.

Is Stimerex Hardcore Stronger?

Between the two Stimerex versions, we would say these fat burners likely are matched for boosting energy and promoting appetite suppression. However, we would say Stimerex-ES may be better for thermogenesis. Meanwhile, Stimerex Hardcore may be better for mood/focus. However, it is important to keep in mind that individual experiences will vary.

stimerex hardcore

Customer Review:

Best Ever! Review by Jeremiah :“This is by far the best fat burner I’ve ever taken without any negative side effects. I was a little hesitant about purchasing it at first but then I thought why not everything else has failed me. I’m glad I did. I’ve only been taking it for 2 months at 2 pills per day and I’ve already seen amazing results. I purchased 2 bottles so I still have one more month to go. Can’t wait to see the end result. I highly recommend this fat burner and I intend on using it until I’ve fully reached my weight loss goals!” (Posted on )

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Wrapping Up!

This concludes our blog reviewing Stimerex-ES! Thank you for reading and if you have any questions or if there’s another product you’d like us to review, send us an email HERE!

Looking for more to read? Checkout our other blogs!

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Side Effects and Warnings:

Read the entire label before taking the product. Stimerex can raise your blood pressure and interfere with other drugs you may be taking. Talk to your doctor about this product. Do not use if you are under the age of 18 years. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. Individuals who consume caffeine with this product may experience serious adverse health effects. Individuals who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine should consult a doctor before taking.

Do not consume stimulants such as caffeine from other sources. Consult with your physician before use if you are taking medication. Consult your physician before use if you have a medical condition.

Stop 2 weeks before surgery or if you experience side effects such as:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Severe headache
  • Shortness of breath

In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects. This includes a heart attack and stroke. Improper use of this product may be hazardous to a persons health.

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† The intention of the information provided is for reference only and we are in no way providing medical advice or instruction. The information provided in this post is based on anecdotal information and available studies/reviews. While it is our goal to maintain and display accurate information, we can’t guarantee it represents the latest formulation of the product or information. Therefore, if you have any concerns, please visit the manufacturer’s website. Also, the information above is not a representation of our views at Same Day Supplements. Rather, these are the views and information provided by manufacturers and users. Also, the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. Finally, the intention of these products is not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

The post Stimerex-ES Review: Old VS New appeared first on Supplement Reviews Blog.


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