What Is DMHA | Is It Legal | DMHA News | How Does It Work | What To Expect |
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What Is DMHA | Is It Legal | DMHA News | How Does It Work | What To Expect | Side Effects | Comparisons | DMHA Alternatives | Fat Burners with DMHA | Pre Workouts with DMHA
While we wait for updates with the DMAA case, DMHA has swooped in and taken its place. In fact, almost every product containing DMAA now features DMHA. But, what is this “new” ingredient and what can we expect from it? We’re covering these questions!
Have a specific question? Jump to your answer!
- What is DMHA: The Basics
- Is It Legal in 2022?
- What Can You Expect?
- Ingredients That Compare?
- What Products Have It?
Have an uncovered question? Comment Below! Or send us an email HERE!
What Is DMHA?
As we’ve said time and time again…
DMHA is a DMAA-like stimulant. (1) Originally, or at least medically, it’s used as a decongestant. In supplements, it may help improve performance and increase weight loss. But, you’re not likely to see “DMHA” on the label of your favorite pre workout or fat burner. It has a TON of different names but here’s a short list of the common ones used: (2)
- 1,5-Dimethylhexylamine
- 1,5-DMHA
- 2-amino-5-methylheptane
- 2-amino-6-methylheptane
- 2-aminoisoheptane
- 2-Heptylamine, 6-methyl-
- 2-Isooctyl amine
- 2-Metil-6-amino-eptano
- 6-Amino-2-methylheptane
- Amidrine
- Octodrine
- Vaporpac
This ingredient can come from nature or be made synthetically. Generally, companies are more likely to make it synthetically due to this being the cheaper method. But, it comes from the Juglans Regia tree. In products like (spoiler) Hydroxyelite, this is labeled as Walnut Bark Extract. We’ll talk more about this product and more below but feel free to jump to it!
Is DMHA Legal?
Short answer: As of today, Yes!
Detailed answered: Yes, but it’s complicated. In April of 2019, the US FDA did send out warning letters to manufacturers to remove DMHA from their products. This was due to companies not submitting a New Dietary Ingredient Notification (NDIN), which is required for all new dietary ingredients. Or if DMHA was an unsafe food additive. (3)
But here’s the thing-
DMHA isn’t new. It’s a constituent of walnuts, which has been around for long before any FDA Law. So this isn’t a strong enough case to ban the ingredient. But, what about it being “unsafe”?
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, along with other companies, have been selling products with DMHA for 2(+) years now. With no serious issues from consumers when taken properly.
And let’s not forget it’s medical use as a decongestant, which has been instated in the 1950s. (4) Therefore, we can’t really ban it for this reason either. And don’t worry if you’ve grown to love DMHA as much as we have, Hi-Tech has fought the FDA for it. And continues to fight for DMAA.
DMHA in Sports:
Being legal in the US is great and all, but what are the chances of a false positive on a drug test?
It’s possible. We can’t guarantee it will or won’t. Generally, if this is a concern for you, we would advise you to stray away from products like this. Not just ones containing DMHA.
But, for this matter, we have a statement from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency:
“Categorized as a stimulant under the World Anti-Doping Prohibited List, octodrine is prohibited in-competition. Because clearances times depend on many individual factors, USADA cannot advise athletes on when they should discontinue using a substance to ensure that it has completely “washed out” from their body. Octodrine is not included in FDA-approved medications for any medical condition, so USADA would not grant a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for a product containing the substance.” (5)
If you’re an athlete or if your profession limits what kind of supplements you can take; We would advise you to speak to your governing body or with your doctor before taking any supplements.
As of May 2021, DMHA supply has been limited. As a result, some of our favorite products have been massively delayed. There are several factors playing into the delays:
- Importing Delays
- Quality Assurances
- Weather Conditions
For starters, importing DMHA for production in itself was held up due to cargo ships port delays (7). These delays pushed production expectation back 4 weeks all on its own. Following importing DMHA comes quality checks. These are essential for assuring the ingredients are in their best form for production.
Unfortunately, DHMA is very sensitive to weather conditions. As a result of the delays to port, the raw ingredients were held in a humid climate for an extensive period and did not pass quality checks.
As of October 2021, three small batches of DMHA failed quality inspections pushing delays further. Another, bigger batch is expected sometime in November. Once we receive an update on if it passes quality checks, we’ll keep you updated.
As of December 13th, 2021, we received a new update from the manufacturers that produce popular DMHA products like Hydroxyelite and Lipodrene. Unfortunately, they had not received their DMHA batch when it was originally expected. However, this batch is expected to be delivered sometime in December. Consequently, being so close to the holidays, we don’t expect finished products to be shipped in December.
On 03/16/22 9:00 AM EST, the manufacturer informed us that backordered DMHA fat burners have started to ship out. We will be getting incremental deliveries each week. We expect backorders to be fulfilled shortly.
As always orders will be shipped on a first come first served basis. Our latest estimated delivery is the end May-early June (This may change depending on our next update).
If you’re ready to get your hands on some DMHA products now, here’s what we have right now (Limited Stock):
- Hydroxyelite
- Fastin
- Fastin XR
- Black Mamba
- Lipodrene With Ephedra
- Lipodrene Hardcore
- OxyElite Pro
- Synadrene
- Dust X
- Mesomorph
- Jack3D
- Wicked Pre Workout
How Does DMHA Work?
As we’ve mentioned, DMHA is a stimulant. It’s structurally similar to 2 familiar compounds (maybe more):
- 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (AKA DMAA)
- Amphetamine
Based on that alone, there’s an expectation that it will act similar but maybe not as potent.
Diving in deeper:
There, unfortunately, isn’t many human studies on DMHA to scientifically back up its effects. Due to the methyl group on the alpha carbon, it should have a half-life similar to DMAA and Amphetamine (Last about 9-11 hours). And it should act as a monoamine releasing agent (MRA) of catecholamines like DMAA. This includes dopamine and norepinephrine.
Then DMHA binds to the trace amine associated receptor 1. This will temporarily prevent the re-uptake of dopamine and norepinephrine into the presynaptic nerve. By doing this, these catecholamines remain active in your body for longer. This attributes to the euphoric and wakeful feelings we get from ingredients like this. (4)
What To Expect From DMHA?
Alright, so we’ve gone through what happens in the inside. But, what effects can you expect?
Again there are not enough human studies to back up these effects. The following information is based on customer feedback and our anecdotally experiences. Everyone will have their own unique experience and because DMHA is rarely taken on its own, we can’t guarantee any effect is directly because of it.
What’s the feedback?
Customers state the effects last several hours. And that they felt a heightened sense of euphoria during that period of time. This is what we can predict based on the structure and similarities to DMAA. As far as any crash goes, it was reported as a much smoother come-down.
But, adversely the come-up is also gradual. So if you’re looking for a spike of energy, DMHA isn’t for you. Customers also explained that they felt some appetite suppression with the DMHA. This is generally going to be tied to stimulants.
Are There Side Effects?
Any stimulant will have its fair share of risks. Some of the reported side effects include; (4)
- Nausea
- Energy crash
- High blood pressure
- Heart palpitations
- Labored breathing
- Hyperthermia
Reading that list might scare you away from the products below. And if these side effects are a concern for you, you should, in the very least, consult a doctor. But, it wouldn’t be fair to paint DMHA as the bad guy. Not without comparing the side effects to more common stimulants, such as caffeine: (6)
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Digestive Issues
- Muscle Breakdown (in large amounts)
- Addiction
- High Blood Pressure
- Heart palpitations
- Fatigue
- Frequent Urination
We’re almost at the end of the post. Now we’ve reached the good stuff (and probably why you’re here).
We’ve already tapped into this a little in the “What To Expect” section, but here we’re getting as deep as research lets us. And your feedback of course. To start off, let do a review comparison of our top selling fat burner Hydroxyelite.
Way back when it had DMAA our reviews looked like this:
Do yourself a Favor! Review by Fletch (Posted on 11/11/2016)
The BEST product for fat burning on the market. Don’t waste your money on that other garbage. do yourself a favor and get this. I’m just like you, tired of that ib5 that don’t work. I’m taking time out of my day to tell you that this product WORKS!
Ordering 2 more right now bc I’m almost out! Good luck to you and your goals!
Best one I Tried Review by Jeff (Posted on 11/10/2016)
This helped me lose 75 lbs over the course of a year, it didn’t come with the jittery or upset stomach side affects that others have. I fully recommend this. Combine it with a reduced calorie diet and you will see results.
Pretty darn good Review by Miguel (Posted on 2/15/2018)
Good energy. No side effects. Sirpressed appetite. It’s doing the job
Awesome Stuff Review by Franklin (Posted on 6/4/2019)
I just finished my first bottle. I started at 223. and 4 weeks later I am 210. I’ve lost 13 pounds and work out half as much. This stuff is great. Highly recommended. First time in 2 years I’ve been down to 210. I just ordered my second bottle today. Works as advertised.
So Far, So Good Review by Kevin (Posted on 5/6/2019)
I bought this product a week ago and it has been great s0 far. In 7 – 8 days using the product I have Lost almost 5 lbs. I have noticed that my hunger & cravings have been greatly reduced. I usually take one Pill in the morning one pill at night. It might still be too early to tell whether this product if
effective for an extended period of time but so far it has worked as advertised . Definitely a great alternative to the discontinued OXYElite Pro. Give this product a try !
DMHA Structure:
DMAA contains two methyl groups located directly next to the NH2 group on either side. This makes it very effective at blocking MOA and increasing potency.
Compare the structure of DMAA to the structure of DMHA and you’ll understand why DMHA is said to have about 70-80% the strength of DMAA.
The overall opinion on DMHA to DMAA is that it has a lot of the focus elements, but comes a little short in the energy department. The good news though is that the crash from DMHA is reported as much smoother. Allowing consumers to continue to have a good day long after the stimulant has worn off.
DMHA vs Ephedrine
So the thing with ephedrine is that it hasn’t been available for use in dietary supplements in the US for a long time. It’s not illegal though! Much like DMHA, ephedrine has its use in medicine. In fact, it’s also a nasal decongestant. It’s one of four active components from the plant Ephedra.
Now supplements use just ephedra and remove the ephedrine alkaloids. But back in the day ephedrine was very popular for ECA stacks (ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin). (7) And it’s really common for fat burners today to mimic this stack with ephedra.
But besides their medicinal use, what do these compounds have in common?
It’s actually structurally similar to not only DMHA and DMAA, but also Amphetamine.
But what do people think?
It’s varied, to say the least. Some people feel DMHA is more like ephedrine than DMAA and some say the opposite. The clear thing is that they are related, which is why even in medicine they share a purpose.
DMHA Alternatives:
If you’re like many customers, the wait for DMHA is getting tiresome. Luckily, there are other stimulants that can compare and are currently available. In this section, we’ll compare DMHA with other widely used stimulants. However, if you’re ready to try something new now, we have a page featuring in-stock alternatives HERE.
Caffeine VS DMHA (8)
First on the list is good old-fashion caffeine. Because caffeine is so common, it often doesn’t get the proper recognition for its stimulatory properties. However, caffeine in dietary supplements can have a variety of dosages and these doses can greatly impact the effects.
Like DMHA, caffeine has other common names used in dietary supplements like:
- 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine
- 1,3,7-Trimethylpurine-2,6-di-one
Unlike DMHA, caffeine can be seen in several forms in dietary supplements such as:
- Caffeine Anhydrous
- Caffeine Citrate
- Di-Caffeine Malate
- RealCaf
These different forms can play a role in everything from how energized you feel, the type of energy you feel, and how long the effects last. Caffeine is also often standardized from other ingredients. This means a product may have an ingredient like Green Tea Extract, but from this extract there is a specific amount of caffeine being sourced. This includes ingredients like:
- Green Tea Extract
- Green Coffee Bean Extract
- Guarana Seed Extract
However, these ingredients may have other purposes as well.
Caffeine is a trimethylxanthine and is classified as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. One of the main functions of caffeine is as an antagonist against adenosine. When ingested, caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the brain. This in return blocks the receptor and affects the release of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. This is one of the ways caffeine promotes cognitive function like attention and improves mood. (9)
The half-life of caffeine is approximately 5 hours in the average adult. But caffeine metabolism can be influenced by multiple factors like smoking. Anecdotal experiences with DMHA tell us that the effects may occur ~15 to 60 min after consumption. This is similar to caffeine where the onset is described at ~15 mins with a peak in performance around 60 mins. (4,9)
Theophylline VS DMHA
This next stimulant shares a medicinal usage with DMHA ,DMAA, and ephedrine; Theophylline. Theophylline is a medication used to treat asthma and is a bronchodilator. Like caffeine, theophylline is a methyl-xanthine and CNS stimulant. However, it is naturally more abundant in tea leaves rather than coffee. Compared to other methyl-xanthines like caffeine and theobromine, theophylline isn’t as common in dietary supplements. But it may promote energy expenditure and weight loss. (10,11)
You may also seen Theophylline labeled as:
- 3-methyxanthine
- 1,3-dimethylxanthine
- Theophyllin
Citrus Aurantium VS DMHA
Citrus Aurantium or Bitter Orange Extract is a popular stimulant in fat burners and with good reason. For starters, it’s chemical composition is full of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and phenylethylamine alkaloids (among other compounds). This composition is responsible for the health-promoting aspects of this ingredient, like it’s antioxidant properties. However, what makes this ingredient so popular is a specific set of alkaloids, synephrine. Where p-synephrine is the most abundant and is structurally similar to ephedrine. Additionally, there are several studies that indicate citrus aurantium/synephrine may aid in fat mobilization. (11,12,13)
Some names you may see citrus aurantium labels as include:
- Bitter Orange Extract
- Synephrine
- p-Synephrine
- 4-[1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)ethyl]phenol
You may also see other forms of synephrine or other phenylethylamine alkaloids like synephrine. (14)
This can include:
- Octopamine
- Tyramine
- N-Methyltyramine
- Hordenine
Synephrine is an unspecific adrenergic agonist, where p-synephrine is has a low affinity to binding with adrenergic receptor. This is important as it explains the lack of cardiovascular effects from this alkaloid. Most importantly, several studies indicate that p-synephrine promotes the activation of β3-adrenergic receptors that modulate thermogenesis and stimulate weight loss. (15,16)
Senegalia Berlandieri VS DMHA
When Senegalia Berlandieri Extract was first introduced to dietary supplements DMAA had just been removed from formulas. So it’s not surprising that it would be a potential replacement ingredient for DMHA too. In fact, some users of the senegalia berlandieri formula in Mesomorph Pre Workout prefer it over DMHA!
Senegalia Berlandieri (also known as Acacia Berlandieri) is a related species to Acacia Rigidula. Acacia Rigidula Extract was another ingredient that was popular in dietary supplements, but due to the presence of an amphetamine isomer, β-methylphenylethylamine (BMPEA), it was banned. Because Acacia Rigidula and Senegalia Berlandieri are closely related, they share many of the same alkaloids including Phenylethylamine Alkaloids (PEA). (17,18)
PEA plays an important role in the body in relation to the brain and release of neurotransmitters. But PEA is also a natural stimulant our bodies produce to serve several important functions. And like the other stimulants in this post, is has a variety of names you may see on a label, including β-phenylethylamine, β-phenethylamine, and phenylethylamine. Similar to amphetamine, PEA’s stimulant effects can lead to the release of amines, such as dopamine and serotonin. However, the body has difficulties maintaining high concentrations of PEA. So these effects are likely to be long lasting. In fact, the stimulatory effects have been compared to a “runner’s high”.(19,20,21)
What Products Have DMHA
A lot. It’s actually very popular in fat burners and pre workouts. So we’ll try to include as many popular products as possible but keep in mind this isn’t the full list.
Fat burners with DMHA
*In no particular order*

Awesome! Review by Jack
A friend recommended this product to me because I had issues over eating, especially late night and continued snacking throughout the day. I’m almost done with my first bottle and I’ve lost 18 pounds. This product requires a lot of water so drink up. Energy is great and controls appetite.On a down side, when working out with heavy cardio such as sprinting or running long distances – my heart rate speeds up were it’s beating hard and makes me puke. To prevent this, I slow my heart rate by resting for a few minutes. Other that that, this product works as advertised. 5 stars. (Posted on 8/6/19)

Amazing! Review by N/A
The shipment arrived quickly and on time! I have a ton of energy and have seen a huge increase in my metabolism just after 2 weeks of taking this product. I only take a half in am and half in the after noon and it gives me energy all day and curbs my cravings so I’m not snacking all day. (Posted on 1/11/21)

LOVE IT! Review by Felicia
I tried Lipodrene back in November and loved it. At first, I heard my fit friends talking about how much energy and focus it have them. At the time, I was not eating clean and honestly could not relate. However, as soon as I cleaned up my diet, I began to feel the same energy and focus, and the pounds started falling off. I took a break for a few months and just started again. It works. I love this product! (Posted on 6/13/19)

Synadrene Review by Kristina
Works very well as appetite suppressant and as well as energy. I only take 1 on random days I’m the morning because otherwise it’s too strong (up to 4 a day as recommended on bottle is way too much). Thanks for your speedy delivery and free shipping! Very reliable 🙂 (Posted on 11/30/20)

Just What I Was Looking For! Review by Karin
Clean energy laser focus after all of these years looking for anything close to Eca stack that felt good …finally keep it up hi tech. (Posted on 5/25/19)

Great Appetite Suppressant! Review by Robert
Personally I think this is better than the prescription phentermine. Controls hunger and doesn’t keep me up all night. (Posted on 8/1/19)

Favorite Product! Review by Lex
This is one of the strongest fat burners I have tried and I’ve tried many. Fastin XR is really good in terms of helping with weight loss and it suppresses my appetite. I have taken it it for about 4 weeks so far, I am down 15lbs! (Posted on 6/21/19)

5lb Downs And Counting! Review by Tanner
I just started taking these to help with slimming down and I think its helping. My appetite is not as aggressive and I feel more awake throughout the day. (Posted on

Love it! Review by Brandy
This is my favorite fat burner. I have a very high tolerance to stimulants, but black widow is perfect. Dropping weight even during quarantine! (Posted on 5/8/20)

Top Shelf Energy And Fat Burner! Review by N/A
I have been using this product off and for for years, it’s the best product I’ve found for energy and fat burning. If you are sensitive to caffeine/stimulants, make sure to only take one max and take with a smoothie or food. Excellent overall product! (Posted on 12/15/20)

Best Ever! Review by Jeremiah
This is by far the best fat burner I’ve ever taken without any negative side effects. I was a little hesitant about purchasing it at first but then I thought why not everything else has failed me. I’m glad I did.
I’ve only been taking it for 2 months at 2 pills per day and I’ve already seen amazing results. I purchased 2 bottles so I still have one more month to go. Can’t wait to see the end result. I highly recommend this fat burner and I intend on using it until I’ve fully reached my weight loss goals! (Posted on 7/12/20)

Amazing! Review by Orla
Kills appetite, improved energy, you can feel the thermogenic working after 20mins. Will definitely be buying again. (Posted on 12/26/20)

It Works! Review by N/A
Me and my wife started taking this product and we noticed an immediate hunger suppression, we didn’t experienced any weird side effects or anything like that. We love it. We take 2 pills a day and each has lost around 6-8lbs in 3 weeks (combined with exercise and a good diet. I wanted this as hunger suppressant and works! (Posted on 5/30/20)

This S$&@/! Is The Bomb! Review by N/A
Holy smokes I ripped through my workout like never before and still felt stimulating effect 7 hours after I took one! (Posted on 1/7/21)

New Version ??? Review by Ally
Im a fan of the old version but they seemed to have got this right without changing very much.
I barely notice the difference between 1,3 and dmha. I don’t get that spike of energy like with the 1,3 but it feel more smooth. Not the strongest appetite suppressant tbh but still great. (Posted on

Not Too Bad! Review by Alexandria
I was trying to go for something outside of Hydroxyelite, and I knew I tried LeanEFX in the past. However, it’s a wonderful thermo…sweat like crazy. But I’m use to a stronger appetite suppressant. (Posted on 1/5/21)

Arson Burns! Review by N/A
I’ve been looking for a powerful fat burner since Thermavol was taken off the market and Arson fits the bill. I love the appetite suppressant qualities, which help me with my weight cuts for strongman competitions. The energy is sharp and doesn’t drop you off a cliff at the end. (Posted on 12/27/20)

The Best! Review by Justin
Everything about this product is good it reminds me of the old oxy elite! I definitely recommend this to anyone who loved the oxy elite (Posted on 11/13/20)
Pre Workouts with DMHA
*In no particular order*

Wicked Pre Workout Review by Chris
2 scoops of this stuff will get you where you need to be… the DMHA will give you focus and energy for hours! (Posted on

Great Pre Workout! Review by Sandra

PUMPS & Lean Muscles! by Ahmed
Perfect in every way ! I have studied all ingredients and did some compression and research before ordering, i wanted to have a pre-workout that helps having lean muscles & a fat burner as well, to get me sweating and lose fats during workout. And definitely this gets the job done.
After one week of using Jack’d up, i have leaner muscles & i sweat like a MF in my workout, i got a better shape and i feel great, not to mention that DMHA suppress my appetite & i don’t feel hungry at all, so i stay away from junk food & i keep up my intermittent fasting diet plan. I combine this with Growth from Blackstone labs & i am getting an amazing results. (Posted on Posted on

Love It! Review by Joe
Love the bit of protein in with the mix. I had one of my best shoulder days the first day I took Ultimate Orange. Think I’m a lifelong consumer now. (Posted on 4/5/19)

AMAZING!!!!!! Review By dennylolo
This was an easy and fast ordering process. 3 days and my product was delivered. AMAZING at how fast it got to my front door. What’s even more astonishingly Amazing was the product. OMGOODNESS!!!
The BEST PRE-WORKOUT I have ever USED! The pump is unbelievable, the focus is real and I sweat like a pig in a blanket at the GYM! My new all time favorite PRE-WORKOUT. Btw, the poprock flavor is rocking my world. So tasty. I LOVE THIS STUFF! (Posted on 8/18/20)
Wrapping Up!
This concludes our review and breakdown of DMHA! Thank you for reading and if there’s another product you’d like us to review, an ingredient that you think needs further elaboration, or another blog idea you want to see in the future– send us an email here!
Checkout some of our other blogs!
- Ephedra VS Ephedrine
- Are You Mesomorph?
- Mesomorph Pre Workout Review
- Stimerex ES VS Lipodrene
- Synadrene Review
- Hydroxyelite and Methyldrene Elite
†PLEASE NOTE: The intention of the information provided is for reference only. Furthermore, we are in no way providing medical advice or instruction. Instead, the information provided in this guide/blog utilizes anecdotal information and available studies/reviews. While our goal is to maintain and display accurate information, we can’t guarantee it represents the latest formulation of the product or information. Therefore, please visit the manufacturer’s website if you have any concerns. Also, the information above does not represent our views here at Same Day Supplements. Instead, these are the views and information provided by the manufacturers and users. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. Finally, the intention of these products is not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.
The post DMHA – Complete Guide [2022] appeared first on Supplement Reviews Blog.