May 4, 2022
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Fastin Review: Old VS New (2022 UPDATE)

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What Is Fastin® Diet Pills | Original Fastin® | Fastin® Ingredients | Reviews | Similar To Fastin® | What To
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What Is Fastin® Diet Pills | Original Fastin® | Fastin® Ingredients | Reviews | Similar To Fastin® | What To Expect | Warnings And Side Effects | Disclaimer

When the formulas to our favorite fat burners change, we make it a priority to clear up the confusion. In this post, we’re diving into Fastin®. Like many popular fat burners from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Fastin® once had DMAA. And like the other fat burners, there was a formula revision. This is because the FDA and DMAA have been going in and out of the courts since around 2015. So manufacturers like Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals are replacing DMAA with other strong stimulants like Synephrine.

Section Divider: What Is Fastin® Diet Pills Synephrine

What Is Fastin® Diet Pills?

Fastin® from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is high-stimulant fat burner. This fat burner is often compared to the weight loss medication phentermine/Adipex. In fact, the name “Fastin” comes from a brand of weight loss medication containing phentermine. However, this medication is no longer available. The dietary supplement Fastin® does not contain phentermine instead it features strong stimulants like synephrine and has earned the nickname “Synephrine Pills”. But, this wasn’t the only strong in Fastin’s formula. Prior to the 2015 revision also featured 1, 3 Dimethylamine HCl (DMAA). Now in 2022, still contains Synephrine the formula is a little different.

The Original Fastin®:

Originally, Fastin® had about 345 mg of active ingredients. The formula from the beginning was fairly simple so there weren’t many changes in the update. There was only 2 changes in the formula, which including removing the 1, 3 Dimethylamine HCl (DMAA) and increasing the caffeine content from 100 mg.


Fastin Old VS NEW

Fastin® Ingredients:

In the new formula, there are about 445 mg of active ingredients. As we stated above, there was only 2 changes. Previously, there was 100 mgs and now the current formula features 200 mgs per serving. The other change was the removal of DMAA and replacing it with 2-Aminoisoheptane HCl (DMHA).

DMHA is a DMAA-like stimulant may work in the same way as DMAA. It is naturally found in Walnut Bark extract or the bark from the Juglans Regia tree and may promote mood-enhancing effects along with boosting energy and appetite suppression. (1)

The other ingredients in Fastin® include:

  • Phenylethylamine HCl
  • Methyl synephrine HCl
  • Theobromine Anhydrous
  • Synephrine HCl
  • N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine HCl
  • Yohimbine HCl

Phenylethylamine Alkaloids:

Phenylethylamine, Methyl-synephrine, and N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine (NMPEA) are all alkaloids of Phenylethylamine (PEA). In Fastin, the alkaloids are featured individually and in the hydrochloride (HCl) form. The addition of HCl may assist with bioavailability of these ingredients. These alkaloids may have a wide range of uses including being a stimulant, improving mood, and cognitive performances†. Overall, there we would need more research on these alkaloid effects. (2,3,4)

Theobromine Anhydrous: 

Theobromine is a compound found in cacao plants and tea leaves. It has stimulant properties, so it’s most prominent effect would be the energy boost. Like other stimulants, it also has appetite suppressing properties. (5)

Synephrine HCl: 

Synephrine HCl (aka Citrus Aurantium or Bitter Orange Extract)  is a popular stimulant that is structurally similar to ephedrine. Research on this ingredient indicates citrus aurantium/synephrine may aid in fat mobilization, promote energy, and increase appetite suppression. (6,7)

Yohimbine HCl: 

Yohimbine HCL may assist with targeting areas of “stubborn fat”. While this property requires more research to support it, other studies do indicate yohimbine HCl may increase energy expenditure, lipolysis, and suppress appetite. (8,9)

How Do I Take Fastin® Hi-Tech?

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals suggests taking 1-2 tablets of Fastin Diet Pills in the morning and 1 tablet of Fastin® Diet Pills after lunch.  Do not exceed 4 tablets of of Fastin® Diet Pills daily.  Fastin® is heat and moisture sensitive, and bottle should sealed after opening.  Keep desiccant in the bottle to stave off moisture.

Section Divider: Fastin Diet Pills Reviews Synephrine

Fastin® Diet Pills Reviews:

Keep in mind that everyone’s experiences will vary. Because of this, what works for some individuals may not work for you. But it’s up to you let us know how it compares to what you’ve already tried. So if you do check out Fastin®, don’t forget to leave a review!

Review By Mark: “Gives you a lot of energy so that you can workout or work” Posted on 

Review By Robert: “Personally I think this is better than the prescription phentermine. Controls hunger and doesn’t keep me up all night.” Posted on 

Review by Candice: I have used Fastin intermittently over the last 10 years. So obviously I LIKE it. Gives me energy to repave the driveway, wakes my brain up and improves each and everyday!” Posted on 3/1/2019

Review by Trisha: “I’ve tried them all people! Including Adipex, which unfortunately my doctor will not prescribe me. I heard about this and was taking it for approximately 5 months and lost over 20 pounds!” Posted on 5/18/2018

Section Divider: Similar To Fastin

Similar To Fastin®:

When you’ve found a fat burner that works for you, it can be difficult finding substitutes when its not available. In this section, we’ll be briefly going over other fat burners that compare to Fastin®.

Fastin comparisons

Fastin® Diet Pills VS Fast-XR

Our first Fastin® comparison is with Fast-XR. As you can imagine from the similarities in the product names, these products are intended to be very similar. Where Fastin-XR may promote the fat burning/energy effect for longer than the original Fastin®. Fastin-XR features all the ingredients in Fastin®, but with several variations. 

Senegalia Berlandieri:

First, we see the PEA alkaloids are grouped together instead of being featured individually. They stem from the ingredient Senegalia Berlandieri (also known as Acacia Berlandieri). Where this ingredient may promote the same properties. (10)

Green Tea:

 Green tea is rich in polyphenol catechins and caffeine. The combination of these compounds may increase weight loss, though there is still more research needed to be certain.(11)


Naringin may help burn fat by stimulating the production of a crucial fat burning hormone, adiponectin. (12) When combined with synephrine, naringin may even increase energy expenditure.(13)

5-Methoxytryptamine HCl:

5-Methoxytryptamine HCl (5-MT) is a precursor to melatonin and closely related to serotonin. This ingredient features anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and may also boost mood.†

How To Take Fastin-XR:

The manufacturers recommend taking 1-2 capsules in the morning and 1 capsule after lunch. Do not exceed 4 capsule daily.

Fastin-RX Review By Lex: “This is one of the strongest fat burners I have tried and I’ve tried many. Fastin XR is really good in terms of helping with weight loss and it suppresses my appetite. I have taken it it for about 4 weeks so far, I am down 15lbs !” (Posted on 

Fastin® Diet Pills VS ECA Xtreme:

Our next comparison is with ECA Xtreme, which shares nearly all the ingredients in Fastin® with the exception of yohimbine. The additional ingredients in ECA Xtreme include:

  • Ephedra Extract
  • White Willow Extract
  • Chromium Polynicotinate

Ephedra Extract:

Ephedrine was a popular stimulant used in fat burners prior to ~2002. This herb promotes weight loss by increasing metabolism. But it’s not available in dietary supplements anymore.

Instead supplements contain the alkaloid ephedra. They’re not the exact same compound, but ephedra exerts very similar effects. Including the effects on weight loss. Ephedra is most recognized for its effects on energy and suppressing appetite. (14)

White Willow Extract:

White Willow Bark Extract acts similarly to aspirin. This comes into play as the “ECA” in the name, which stands for Ephedra, Caffeine, Aspirin. An ECA stack was common and popular fat burner stack among the bodybuilding community. (15)

Chromium Polynicotinate:

Chromium Picolinate has mixed feedback from researchers in regards to weight loss. While there may be some evidence of it aiding in reducing appetite and cravings (16), overall research on the impact of chromium in weight loss is questionable. (17) However, this ingredient may be beneficial in improving blood sugar. (18)

How To Take ECA Xtreme:

The manufacturers recommend taking one (1) caplet three times daily. Do not exceed 4 caplets in any 24 hour period. Do not exceed 4 capsules daily. It can be taken with or without food. For those that have a sensitive stomach it is recommended to take it with food.

ECA Xtreme Review By Tanner: “I just started taking these to help with slimming down and I think its helping. My appetite is not as aggressive and I feel more awake throughout the day.” (Posted on 5/8/20

Fastin® Diet Pills VS Stimerex-ES:

Our last Fastin® comparison is with Stimerex-ES. The only different ingredient in this fat burner is the 6,7 Dihydroxybergamottin, which is similar to Naringen. This ingredient may also help promote energy expenditure when combined with Synephrine. (8)

How To Take Stimerex-ES:

The manufacturers recommend taking one tablet 3 times daily. Do not exceed 4 tablets in any 24 hour period.

Stimerex-ES Review By Maria: “I really enjoy this product it keeps me focused and has me full of Energy it’s like a all day long pre workout! same day supplements shipped it very quickly to me without paying additional shipping! Will continue to order from this company and will keep buying this product !” (Posted on 

Section Divider: What To Expect

What To Expect:

We would say the simple formula in Fastin® is great for individuals looking for energy. The combination of stimulants can assist with promoting long-lasting energy. While the mood boosting ingredients promote a euphoric feeling and aid in focus. Lastly, the synephrine and DMHA combination may promote thermogenesis. Overall, Fastin® can be a great product to help you kick start your weight loss. 

Section Divider: Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts:

And this marks the end of our post on Fastin® Diet Pills. Thank you for reading! And as always, if there was something that wasn’t clear, another question you might have, or if you have another idea for a blog, Email Us!

Are you looking for more to read? Check out some of our other blogs!

Section Divider: Warnings And Side Effects

Warnings And Side Effects:

Not for use by individuals under the age of 18 years, or those pregnant or nursing. This product can raise blood pressure and interfere with other drugs you may be taking. Talk to your doctor about this product. Individuals who consume caffeine with this product may experience serious adverse health effects. Individuals who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine should consult a doctor before consuming this product.

Do not consume synephrine or caffeine from other sources, including but not limited to:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Soda
  • Or other dietary products/medications with caffeine or phenylephrine

Do not use for more than 8 weeks. Consult with your physician prior to use if you are taking medication, including but not limited to:

  • MAOI inhibitors
  • Aspirin
  • Antidepressants
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine
  • Or other stimulants

Consult your physician prior to use if you have a medical condition, including but not limited to:

  • Heart
  • Liver
  • Kidney
  • Thyroid disease
  • Psychiatric
  • Epileptic disorders
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Glaucoma

Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery or if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache or shortness of breath.

In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately. Avoid alcohol while taking this product. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects, including heart attack and stroke. Improper use of this product may be hazardous to a person’s health.

This product contains ingredients that may be banned by some sports organizations and/or increase risk of false positive on a drug test. Please consult with your sport organization or physician before taking this product.

Section Divider: Disclaimer


†PLEASE NOTE: The intention of the information provided is for reference only. Furthermore, we are in no way providing medical advice or instruction. Instead, the information provided in this guide/blog utilizes anecdotal information and available studies/reviews. While our goal is to maintain and display accurate information, we can’t guarantee it represents the latest formulation of the product or information. Therefore, please visit the manufacturer’s website if you have any concerns. Also, the information above does not represent our views here at Same Day Supplements. Instead, these are the views and information provided by the manufacturers and users. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. Finally, the intention of these products is not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

The post Fastin Review: Old VS New (2022 UPDATE) appeared first on Supplement Reviews Blog.


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